Expertise. Reliability.
Peace of Mind.

Think of your website as your digital storefront…

Together, let’s keep those windows clean! 88% of consumers do not return to a site if they have a bad user experience. It is so important to maintain and develop your website so it is secure, attractive, fully-functional, accessible, and up-to-date. Slow, clunky, outdated, and unsecure sites can be a liability and unattractive to potential customers. Let us help!

Website Support Services

Why Choose Us?

At Nimble Pixel Studio, we’re not just another web support service. We promise our approach is not standard and highly-customized to your needs.

Investment Details

Every site is different. Let’s chat and figure out what works for your budget and needs! Support starts at $65/hour and if an item takes ten minutes, that’s all you pay for - we believe in transparent pricing.

  • When it comes to website support, we’re a blend of tech wizards with creative wands. We bring together the technical know-how with a dash of creative flair to deliver captivating and user-friendly website solutions.

  • Your business is your focus, and we get that! That’s why we’re here to ensure your website runs like a well-oiled machine 24/7.

  • Tired of dealing with website headaches? With us on board, it’s all about peace of mind; we’ve got you covered every step of the way!